401k Focus
Two recent court rulings may make you want to double-check.
How often do retirement plan sponsors check up on 401(k)s? Some small..
The Safe Harbor 401(k) Deadline Is Quickly Approaching
Now is the time for small business owners to act.
October 1 is the deadline for companies to set up Safe Harbor 401(k) plans for 2019. If..
Part 4: Is Your Company Ready for State Mandated Retirement Savings?
This is it! We’ve come to the end of our series on the CalSavers Program; what it is, who it benefits, who it doesn’t benefit, rules,..
Part 3: Is Your Company Ready for State Mandated Retirement Savings?
Here we are in the home stretch. In Part 1 and Part 2, we talked about what CalSavers is, what it isn’t, what it is trying to fix, what..
Part 2: Is Your Company Ready for State Mandated Retirement Savings?
Welcome back! In Part 1 of this series, I laid out what CalSavers is, what it is trying to accomplish, and why. We also discussed what..
Part 1: Is Your Company Ready for State Mandated Retirement Savings?
This is part 1 of a series of 4 articles about the new CalSavers Retirement Plan. I sincerely hope that you will stick with me throughout..
401K Focus: Target Date Fund Basics: Does One Size Really Fit All?
Anyone who has ever opened an investment account with an advisor knows that the first step in the process is gathering information to..
401K Focus: To Benchmark, or Not to Benchmark: There Is No Question
We pride ourselves on being open and upfront with our fee structure as well as the costs of those providers that we recommend to our..
401K Focus: How to Increase Employee Participation without Twisting Arms
Deferred compensation programs (401k, SIMPLE IRA, etc.) typically offer open enrollment year-round. Employees can choose to participate..